we had to pack up our things and be ready to leave by 8:50.I was happy to be back at the place with hot
dogs for breakfast.We went to JICA.They are like the Peace Core.JICA is funded by the government, but
operates independently.The lady who
spoke had spent two years in Madagascar.It was interesting to learn about all the good things JICA makes happen
in developing countries.The volunteers,
grants and loans help improve our world.It reminded me of my mission trips to Bolivia, but I could not imagine
staying in a developing country for two years.Next we had our last group discussion and had a free afternoon.I went with the group who went to the Ramen
Museum.Chris has been obsessed with
Ramen the whole trip and was really looking forward to this.I think ramen is just ok.The Museum itself was really not a
museum.We didn’t see any exhibits.It basically was a gift shop, a toy racecar
track, and then about 10 different Ramen vendors.I picked the ramen that had thicker noodles
and slightly thicker soup because it did not say it had seafood in it.The paper was wrong, it did have some kind of
fish in it so it was not that great, but I ate it. Then we were off to see Mt. Fuji at the train
stop closest to it.We took the bullet
train and had to make a transfer to another bullet train.It was a good thing we did because when we
transferred we could see the whole mountain from the platform.By the time we got to the close station the
clouds had rolled in and we could only see the bottom of it.It really would have been an awesome view
(S).Then it was back to the hotel to
pick up our luggage and go to the hotel at the airport.It is sad that the trip is over.The three weeks flew by.I have made some good friends and had some
awesome experiences.I have a ton of
pictures to remember everything.
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